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Explora Project
Year : 2020
The EXPLORA project – Definition of new vectors of geological, geophysical and geochemical knowledge for the northern region of Neves-Corvo, funded by the Alentejo2020 program, aims to characterize the geological, geochemical and geophysical models of this important mining center of the Iberian Pyrite Range, up to depths of about 1500 m. EXPLORA intends to define new geological horizons favorable to the occurrence of sulphide mineralizations, based on an integrated ID methodology, which involves: the study of deep surveys (>1000 m); dating of felosic volcanic rocks (U/Pb in zircons) and sediments (biostratigraphic studies, palinology); processing and modeling of gravimetry, geomagnetism, resistivity and seismic data; petrophysical measurements; geochemistry of rocks and soils; study of geochemical halos in soils and software development.