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GEO_FPI Project - Cross Border Observatory for the Iberian Pyrite Belt Geo-economic Valorization
Year : 2020
The Iberian Pyrite Belt (FPI), one of the most important Metallogenic Provinces in the world, articulates the core of the Alentejo-Algarve-Andalucía (A3) Euroregion, with a geological continuity that has fostered over the course of its history the economic, social and cultural development based on the exploitation of its mineral resources. This has led to a demography and economy strongly-dependent on the mining sector, this being the unifying element of the region. This common past focused on the mining activity and associated to a territory belonging to the same geologic domain, with 3 big common age sets between the Carboniferous and the Devonian ages (the Slaty-Quartzic Group, the Volcanic-Sedimentary Complex and the Flysch Group from Bajo Alentejo) has caused that nowadays, much of the important information generated in this environment, is scattered between various organisms, companies and institutions, extreme which limits largely the researches of geological, environmental, mining, historical and economic nature. This is the first major challenge to address, the integration of the base geological information, as well as that of stratigraphy and mining, properly grouped by means of GIS methodologies and valorized in the cross border context.